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Why is Inclusion so Important During a Shift in Patriarchal Society Norms?

Patriarchy is a social system in which men hold primary power and authority over women, children and other members of society. It includes male privilege and dominance, as well as the enforcement of traditional gender roles.

The patriarchal society has been the norm for centuries, but it is now being challenged like never before. The rise of the feminist movement has brought attention to the ways in which we have oppressed women and others under patriarchy. And, as more and more people are becoming aware of the harmful effects of patriarchy, there is a growing push for change.

But I hear more about how this is a fault of men, and it has become a blame game. Where are the women in all of this blame? Are we, as women, not at fault too for buying into the idea that we are somehow a lesser version of a man? I do not particularly buy into organized religion myself. However, I had a discussion the other day with a friend who does and wholeheartedly believes the bible as the complete gospel of GOD. He explained it this way. "Genesis states God made Man in his image, which makes Man a 'KING,' and then gave Woman as a Gift to Man." My friend's interpretation of this differed completely from mine, but I listened as I respect him immensely.

I feel that inclusion is key in this discussion to move away from the blame game. We need to come together and have an open and honest conversation about the role that each of us plays in perpetuating or challenging patriarchal norms. Only then can we hope to create a more just and equal society for all.

Inclusion is one of the key principles of the feminist movement. The belief that all people should be treated with respect and given equal opportunities is at the heart of feminism. And, as we work to dismantle patriarchy, inclusion is more important than ever. But so is respect, of each other, of our differing opinions and of our world. This is truly at the heart of all inclusion.

A few years ago, my daughter asked if I was a feminist, and I had to step back for a minute and think about what she was asking. First, I dislike titles, labels or stereotypes, so I started to become defensive and had to stop myself. Then, I had to really listen to what her question was and understand what she was asking and wanted to know. From her point of view, I am a feminist. However, that means something completely different to her than it does to me. I believe we all have a right to be in the lead, and that no one should be submissive to another. So, I said, "If that makes me a feminist, then yes, that is what I am."

But going back to my friend, as we continued our conversation, he talked about the word "submit" and that the root of the word comes from the Hebrew word "response." I found that fascinating so being a lover of words and understanding the power they have on us. I said, "So in essence, if we want to change the conversation, we need to look at the root of the words we are using to describe our roles between male and female, and if we were to use 'responsive' in place of 'submissive,' we would all be in a different headspace." Just something to think about.

For genuine change to occur, inclusion must be at the forefront of our efforts. Only by coming together and having an open and honest conversation about the role that each of us plays in perpetuating or challenging patriarchal norms can we hope to create a more just and equal society for all.

Inclusion means creating a society in which everyone can take part and feel valued. It means providing opportunities for everyone to reach their full potential, regardless of their gender, race or any other aspect of their identity.

When it comes to inclusion, I believe partnership and collaboration are the key. In a patriarchal society, women are often seen as inferior to men and are not given the same opportunities to participate in certain parts of society. The traditional values of the patriarchal society are often harmful to women and other marginalized groups. This can be changed by working together to create an inclusive society that values all people equally. The traditional values of patriarchy often result in discrimination and violence against marginalized groups. Creating inclusion is vital for the future of our society. By working together to value all people equally, we can create a society that is more just and equitable for all, a society that is safe and welcoming for everyone.

The glass ceiling is another significant issue for inclusion. The glass ceiling is the invisible barrier that prevents women from reaching the top levels of leadership. Breaking down the glass ceiling is essential for creating a more inclusive society. Having more women in leadership roles is vital for inclusion. When women are in positions of power, they can help to create opportunities for other women and marginalized groups. Patriarchy is harmful to everyone, not just women.

In conclusion, the patriarchal society is the norm and has been for centuries, but it is now being challenged like never before, as it should be. Partnership, collaboration and the glass ceiling are all critical issues when it comes to inclusion. By working together, using our values as the basis of change and understanding, we can create an inclusive society, we can challenge the harmful effects of patriarchy and we can build a better future for everyone.

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